Innovation DuPage nurtures startups and growing businesses to make a big impact on DuPage County and its residents.

We do this by facilitating a modern work space hub, connecting entrepreneurs with a powerful network of mentors, and providing proven resources to remove barriers and solve problems.

ID is supported by academic institutions, government research laboratories, and not-for-profits, in addition to private and public businesses within DuPage County.

The idea is simple, but powerful.

Provide work space
and resources
Foster a Culture
of Entrepreneurship
Help promising
businesses grow
Attract more businesses,
workers and residents
Grow the
DuPage Economy

We do a lot of things to make that happen.

  • Support promising startups and growing businesses with mentorship, education and resources
  • Engage the community with events that create bonds between entrepreneurial startups and business leaders
  • Host an active hub for entrepreneurs at our Glen Ellyn Headquarters, IDHQ
  • Inspire business ventures in DuPage County
  • Attract investment capital to further grow promising startups and businesses